Luckily, Xposed Framework for Android 5.0 Lollipop has reached Alpha status and can now be flashed to some Android devices again. Please be aware that Alpha status can be highly buggy and not stable. In the following I’ll answer frequently asked questions, show you how to check if your Android phone or tablet is currently supported and how to install Xposed on your Android 5.0 Lollipop device. Q: What do I need to do before flashing Xposed Framework? A: Currently, there is no way Xposed Framework uninstaller. Consequently, you need to perform a proper Nandroid Backup in case anything goes wrong or you want to uninstall the framework. It is recommended to use TWRP because it offers the ability to turn off signature verification which is required. Q: Which devices are supported? A: At the moment only devices with an ARMv7-based processor. Additionally to that, Samsung stock ROMs are not supported. Other known issues occur with LG devices with Smart Cover / Weather activated. Q: How can I check if my Android device is supported? A: If you’re not running a Samsung Stock ROM, Go to, look for your device and check for CPU in the Instruction-Set section. If it’s ARMv7, you’re lucky and can go ahead and install Xposed. Q: Does this work on older devices running Android 4.x? A: No, but the original version will work. We’ve got a guide for you here.
How to install Xposed Framework on Android 5.0 Lollipop
Before you continue, I just want to emphasise again that Xposed for Lollipop is still in a early stage Alpha, not stable and might brick your device. does not take any responsibility for any damages done to your devices. I’ll continue updating this guide once Xposed Framework for Android 5.0 is progressing. At the moment I would not recommend installing it. Δ Contact Us :-